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Links #50

Finally catching up on these almost a month later.

Diffusion Bee lets you install Stable Diffusion locally on an M1 Mac. Haven’t actually tried it yet, though.

Jacob Kaplan-Moss on software quality being systemic and not as dependent on individual performance. I think I agree.

Tom Warren on Adobe buying Figma. Dang it. It was nice while it lasted.

Walt Hickey on the percentage of Congress over the age of 70 over time. Whew.

The Center for Latter-day Saints has a new online magazine, The Season. I’ve been enjoying it so far.

Jonty Wareing on the Cyrillic multiocular “o” in Unicode 15. Ha.

Baldur Bjarnason on the danger of reasoning from first principles.

Jennifer Ouellette on fire ant rafts and the Cheerios effect.

Terence Eden on modern tech being a bit rubbish. I sort of agree but also think a lot of modern tech is amazing compared to what I grew up with in the 1990s.

Forecast Advisor. See who has the most accurate weather in your location.

Daniel Eckler on Stable Diffusion. Things are moving fast.

David Crawshaw on software he’s thankful for. A good practice.

James Stanley on FreeCAD vs. SolveSpace. I haven’t done anything with either (or CAD in general, really), but now I want to.

Klint Finley on the future of the command line. And a fair amount about Charm.

Warp, a new terminal written in Rust. I’ve been meaning to try this out to see if I like it more than Kitty.

Wikipedia on farang, the Thai word for foreigner. I didn’t realize it referred to the Franks (the tribe).

NASA’s DART mission hits asteroid. Cool!

Matteo Mazzarolo on named element IDs being available as JavaScript globals. I had no idea. Not sure if I’d ever use it, but cool.

Enryu on lookism in TikTok. Interesting.

Neale Van Felet on the design of Audio Hijack 4. Enjoyed this retro.

Infinite Canvas, a catalog of apps with infinite canvases (which make me happy).

Chuan on an interesting new syntax for writing SVG.

Kottke on ten hours of walking in NYC as a woman. From 2014 but either way, whew.

DreamFusion, text to 3D. Things are getting interesting.

Joey Camacho’s Raw & Rendered, daily 3D renders. Beautiful.

summarize.tech does AI-powered summaries of YouTube videos.

Nathan Raw’s Stable Diffusion morph videos.

Stable Diffusion Conceptualizer. A style library, kind of.

Daniel Eckler with a thread on AI art. And a second thread.

Felix Kreuk on textually guided audio generation. Intrigued to see what all of these AI tools mean for things like filmmaking, especially given another ten or twenty years of progress.

Theatre.js, motion design in the browser.

David Hoang’s arrows. Love those shadows!

Hyperlinks in handwriting.

Eliot Peper on writing being a tool for making new ideas.

Herbert Lui on writing as a way of thinking, in a similar vein.

Edward Slingerland on his method for writing nonfiction books.

James Stanley on alternative revolutions (CAD-wise).

CHARL-E Stable Diffusion package for Mac. Haven’t tried this one either.

Ben Myers on semantic selectors in CSS.

Jay Alammar’s illustrated Stable Diffusion, explaining how it works.

Andy Heriaud on how bad the Mexican week episode of The Great British Bake is. Wow.

DALL-E-Bot, diffusion meets robotics. Cool!

Kim Zarins on aphantasia and science fiction and fantasy.

Oliver Burkeman on how to get out of a rut, a different take on GTD next actions.

WebVM, a WebAssembly VM with networking.

Creating holograms with your phone. Old but intriguing. I need to try this.

Amanda Petrusich on Steve Keene, prolific painter.

Surma on transpiling JavaScript to C++ for WebAssembly. Agreed on it maybe not being the best take, but interesting nonetheless.

Massimo with a video of the Taipei 101 skyscraper’s damper during an earthquake. Whoa!

Q&A with Fiona Hill on Putin. Worthwhile.

Matthew Butterick’s legal investigation into GitHub Copilot.

The Give Up GitHub movement. I’ve been planning to move off it, still need to set aside some time for that. (Thinking of just hosting my code locally on my server.)

Manohar Vanga on fifteen ways to draw a line. I especially love the convex hull method. Planning to borrow that!

Manohar Vanga again, this time on generative overlay textures. Thinking about incorporating something like this into my art.

Léonie Watson on why we need CSS Speech. Hoping this happens!

Brad Frost on breaking up with CSS-in-JS.

Alix E. Harrow on writing and bodies. I think about this a lot in my own writing. I default to the Le Guin side but I’m trying to move more to the middle.

Jonn Elledge on London station names. Naming is hard.

Dan Hollick with an explainer on blending modes.

Bayt Al Fann with some beautiful examples of Arabic calligraphy. Love these.

Oliver Darkshire on small bookstores and capitalism. Agree, agree.

Martha Wells on getting unstuck with discovery writing. Good. I keep wishing I were an outliner.

Maggie Appleton on programming portals, her name for GUIs that bring up CLIs.

Pushing the Needle comparing the timelines for the space race vs. building a bike lane in Seattle.

Brad Heitmann on Mike Lee’s unsavory ties to Russia. Oh how I hope Lee gets voted out.