Hark! I’m Ben Crowder and this is my personal site, handcrafted since 2001. Feel free to contact me if you have questions or just want to say hello.
Table of contents
- About C’est moi. Also includes the site colophon and links to slash pages like now, hello, and uses.
- Blog Posting since 2005. Like most of its kind, it can be subscribed to. Most posts these days are booknotes or links.
- Projects Things I’ve made, like the symbolic religious art, the list of collected talks of the prophets and apostles, the side-by-side language scriptures, the wide-margin scriptures, the language charts, and the Le Morte d’Arthur EPUB in Middle English.
- Reading A list of all the books I’ve read since late 2000. Also includes recommendations. My favorite page on the site.
- Research Mostly genealogy design experiments like the tabular pedigrees, the family history info sheets, and the family descendancy list generator and typesetting experiments like paper EPUBs and responsive sheet music.