Old DOS games
I’ve been thinking about some of the old DOS games I used to play as a kid, as part of a goal this year to collect family stories — more on that in an upcoming post. In trying to find one of the games I remembered playing, I discovered that people have posted gameplay videos to YouTube for most if not all of these. Enter a bucketload of nostalgia.
My childhood was spent playing games like Command Keen:

And Joust:

And SkyRoads:

Here, then, are most of the DOS games I remember with fondness (or at least remember playing more than once), with links to videos:
- Alley Cat
- Arcade Volleyball
- Arctic Adventure (and Pharaoh’s Tomb)
- AstroFire
- Brix
- Capture the Flag
- Classic Concentration
- Command & Conquer
- Commander Keen 1
- Commander Keen 4: Goodbye, Galaxy!
- Cosmo’s Cosmic Adventures
- Crystal Cave
- Descent
- Duke Nukem
- EGA Trek
- God of Thunder
- Halloween Harry / Alien Carnage
- Hocus Pocus
- Hugo’s House of Horrors
- Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
- Jazz Jackrabbit
- Jetpack Christmas Special!
- Jill of the Jungle
- Joust VGA
- Kingdom of Kroz
- Lemmings
- Monster Bash
- Monuments of Mars
- NetWars
- One Must Fall 2097
- Paratrooper
- Raptor: Call of the Shadows
- Rescue Rover
- Scorched Earth
- Secret Agent
- SkyRoads
- Solar Winds: The Escape
- Star Wars: Rebel Assault
- Star Wars: X-Wing
- Terminal Velocity
- Wacky Wheels
- Warcraft: Orcs and Humans
- Worms
Going through these is making me feel ten years old all over again. Ah, childhood. (You can play pretty much all of these through DOSBox, by the way. Most are still shareware, and a lot have been released as freeware.)